ROMAIR CONSULTING is recruiting consultants with at least 2 years of professional experience, for the development and/or implementation of investment projects financed by non-reimbursable funds (European and/or national).
ROMAIR CONSULTING is recruiting consultants with at least 2 years of professional experience, for the development and/or implementation of investment projects financed by non-reimbursable funds (European and/or national).
ROMAIR CONSULTING is a company with full Romanian capital, founded in 1997 to provide business and management consulting, design and engineering services. Professionalism, accumulated experience and good reputation represent Romair’s business card offered to current and future partners.
Romair Consulting, a company specialized in business consulting, management, design and engineering services, has carried out projects with a total value of over 13.3 billion lei (about 2.7 billion euros) that have obtained funding through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program ( POIM) 2014-2020.
On July 11, 2022, at the headquarters of the Ministry of European Investments and Projects, the Contract for financing the first stage of the investment project The regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in the area of operation of the Regional Operator from Călărași and Ialomița counties was signed. The total investment is estimated at 291.53 million euros without VAT, and the first stage is estimated at 90 million euros, without VAT.
On June 9, 2022, "THE PROJECT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WATER AND WASTEWATER INFRASTRUCTURE IN BUZĂU COUNTY, IN THE PERIOD 2014-2020", was approved by the European Commission. This project will be funded through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020 (POIM).
The project consists of investments for water treatment and distribution and wastewater collection and treatment that will be implemented for Gorj County, in urban and rural areas, and which will result in connecting to these systems all citizens in these areas and complying with the provisions of the directives relevant for EU.
Romair Consulting recruits consultants with at least 2 years of professional experience, for activities of elaboration and / or implementation of investment projects financed by non-reimbursable funds (European and / or National).
The contract for the public procurement of technical assistance services regarding the project management for “Rehabilitation of the district heating system of Bucharest” was signed, concluded by the Bucharest City Hall with Romair Consulting S.R.L.
On 18.03.2022, the European Commission approved the “Regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Sibiu and Brașov counties, in the period 2014-2020”. The project is implemented by SC Apa Canal SA Sibiu.
Romair Consulting is a name already known and affirmed in the Romanian consulting and design environment, by exercising its distinct role, traced since its establishment: that of promoting investment projects by addressing specific financing instruments.