The project includes feasibility study, technical project, execution details, technical assistance.
The project includes feasibility study, technical project, execution details, technical assistance.
The road infrastructure exists but in precarious conditions. The objective of the project is to consolidate and modernize the county roads CR701, CR 401 and CR 711A on the route Dobra, Cornețelu, Braniștea, Titu, Odobești, Potlogi, Corbii Mari and to increase the economic level of the area by improving the road quality.
The project envisages the optimization of the road traffic on all the main streets of the municipality, as well as the decongestion of the areas with crowded traffic. In order to separate the traffic flows to and from the A2 Motorway, or in other words to remove this traffic from the central area of the city and direct it to the peripheral area of the municipality, over a very short distance, it is necessary to make a road connection between the two boulevards. and the two existing roads on the Dâmbovița quay (Splaiul Dudescu) which have directions to and from the A2 Motorway.
The project aims to decongest the main arteries in Bucharest and streamline traffic by releasing the first lane that is currently blocked by parked cars. The release of the first lane of parked cars will also lead to the reduction of accidents in crowded areas of the city and will streamline local traffic.
This project aims to improve the situation of the infrastructure within the streets as well as to restore the necessary utilities.
The investment objective in the study is located in the central area of Timișoara, and the Orșova Jimbolia railway located in this area creates great difficulties in terms of road relations between boulevards and streets located on either side of railways.
The works consist in the rehabilitation of the road system and of the tram lines on the main transport corridor in the municipality.