
Touristic Infrastructure

Protection and rehabilitation of the Romanian coastal area and environmental factors, through engineering works to combat the phenomenon of coastal erosion; Supporting the tendency to revive the marine ecosystem and to develop some species lost at a given moment in the ecosystem; Protecting marine and coastal biodiversity.

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piata libertatii 3
piata libertatii2
piata sfantul gheorghe 2
strada fara nume
strada florimund mercy

The project had as general objective the rehabilitation and modernization of the infrastructure and public spaces in the historic center of the city (urban site "Cetatea Timișoara"), part of the historical cultural heritage of national and universal value, in order to improve the quality of urban services and of the attractiveness of the Timișoara Growth Pole, having as effect the stimulation of the socio-economic development.

4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,

District 1, Bucharest
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4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,

District 1, Bucharest
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