The studied boulevard sector is an extension of the boulevard called Nicolae Grigorescu, up to the Dambovita quay (Splai Dudescu) and after crossing the Dambovita to Soseaua Oltenitei. The Municipality of Bucharest has in its program the optimization of the road traffic on all the main streets of the municipality, as well as the decongestion of the areas with crowded traffic. Such an area with crowded traffic currently exists at the intersection of Nicolae Grigorescu Boulevard with Camil Ressu Boulevard, through the intersection of the two boulevards passing the transit traffic to the A2 Bucharest Constanta highway.
In order to separate the traffic flows to and from the A2 Motorway, or in other words to remove this traffic from the central area of the city and direct it to the peripheral area of the municipality, over a very short distance, it is necessary to make a road connection between the two boulevards. and the two existing roads on the Dambovita quay (Splaiul Dudescu) which have directions to and from the A2 Motorway.
For this purpose, it is necessary to extend Nicolae Grigorescu Boulevard, with the same widths in transversal profile (except for the width of the sidewalk and the green space) to the two roads on Dambovita Quay, the relations with these roads must be made without conflict points, through an uneven intersection – road junction.