The object of this contract is the realization of an estimate of the effort to develop the functionalities and the time necessary for the implementation of "Common Agricultural Policies 2014-2020"
The object of this contract is the realization of an estimate of the effort to develop the functionalities and the time necessary for the implementation of "Common Agricultural Policies 2014-2020"
Increasing the volume of production intended for sale so that semi-subsistence farms become economically viable, as well as diversifying production according to market requirements and introducing new products.
By implementing this project, we want services that lead to the correct substantiation of costs and the judicious contracting of development services for the extension of the IT system specific to the activities carried out by APIA (SIAPIA).
Increasing the volume of production intended for sale so that semi-subsistence farms become economically viable, as well as diversifying production according to market requirements and introducing new products.
Increasing the volume of production intended for sale so that semi-subsistence farms become economically viable, as well as diversifying production according to market requirements and introducing new products.
Increasing the volume of production for sale so that semi-subsistence farms become economically viable, as well as diversifying production according to market requirements and introducing new products.
The project contributes to the fulfillment of the major objectives of Axis 1 of the NRDP, Measure 111 "Vocational training, information and dissemination of knowledge" by developing and implementing a training program to improve the managerial and technical skills of young farmers in the regions of development South, South-West and Bucharest Ilfov, which have accessed and will receive support through Measure 112 "Installation of young farmers" from PNDR.
Promotion and awareness campaign on the implementation of a Local Action Group at the level of the component localities
Improving the competitiveness of processed milk products; Encouraging better use of by-products and/or disposal of by-products or waste.
Specialized consulting services provided in order to implement the project; Ensuring the strategic management of the project in order to obtain SAPARD funds;