

On March 22, 2017, Calarasi: ROMAIR Consulting signed the service contract that will provide technical assistance services for the preparation of the financing application and award documents for the regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure for the area of operation of the regional operator ECOAQUA SA in Calarasi and Ialomita counties, between 2014 and 2020.

ROMAIR Consulting as a provider of technical assistance services for the management and supervision of works, coordinated the most ambitious project for the protection of the Romanian coast - "Protection and rehabilitation of the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast (Mamaia Sud, Tomis Nord, Tomis Centru, Tomis Sud, Eforie Nord), financed by the Environment Sectoral Operational Program, from the Cohesion Fund."

4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,

District 1, Bucharest
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4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,

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