Romair Consulting signs a new waste management contract for Brăila county


Romair Consulting SRL and Brăila County Council signed on 10.11.2022 the services contract “Consulting services and technical assistance in order to obtain financing related to the project <<Development and expansion of the integrated waste management system in Brăila county>>” within the Program Operational Sustainable Development (PODD) – Specific Objective “Promoting the transition to a circular economy”. Obtaining the financing will contribute to the expansion of the integrated waste management system in Brăila county and the fulfillment of collection and recycling targets, thus improving the quality of life of the population. The investment will be made in such a way that it meets the requirements of national and European legislation in terms of environmental protection, is economically efficient and the costs borne by the population are as low as possible.

4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,
District 1, Bucharest
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4 Mr. Ștefan Sănătescu Str.,
District 1, Bucharest
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