Romair Consulting completes the systematic registration works cadastral sector 1 UAT Gheorghe Doja, Ialomița county


Romair Consulting has completed the services related to the systematic registration works on the cadastral sector 1 of the administrative-territorial unit Gheorghe Doja, in order to register the buildings in the Land Book, according to the service contract.

Thus, the administrative-territorial unit Gheorghe Doja from Ialomița county announces the publication of the technical documents of the cadaster for Cadastral Sector no. 1, starting with 22.05.2017, for a period of 60 days, at the Gheorghe Doja City Hall, according to art. 14, para. (1) and (2), of the Law on Cadaster and Real Estate Advertising no. 7/1996, republished, with the subsequent modifications and completions.

More information, as well as cadastral plans, can be accessed at:

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