The project is located in Timis County, on DJ 592 which connects Timisoara, Buzias and Lugoj, 30 km from Timisoara. The rehabilitation of DJ 592 will create conditions for the development of the area and will facilitate the access to Buzias resort. DJ will also provide connections with four other county roads in the Timisoara county area. The project includes the rehabilitation of the total infrastructure, the road structure, ditches and bridges along the road.
The works included are:
- strengthening the current road infrastructure, on distinct sectors, in accordance with the lifting capacity study (technical expertise);
- extending the road foundation to make an integration line;
- repair of road sectors with major damage;
- consolidation of roads with compact gravel;
- reconstruction of drainage ditches;
- replacement of 3 drainage channels;
- expansion of drainage channels;
- arranging the intersections with auxiliary agricultural roads;
- arranging intersections with public roads;
- traffic safety works;
- arranging 6 bus stations.